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Fido’s Year In Review

January 1 2025

Happy New Year! That’s officially a wrap on 2024. While we can’t make many predictions for the coming year, one thing we do know: Man’s Best Friend will stay loyally at our sides throughout it, regardless of what happens. Before we turn our full attention to 2025, though let’s take a minute to reflect back on the last 12 months, and celebrate some of Fido’s key moments.

First-Place Pup

A Border Collie/Papillon cross named Nimble lived up to her name at the Westminster Dog Show, nabbing first place in the agility category. Nimble also validated the fairly new rule change that allowed mixed dogs into the competition, which was formerly restricted to purebreds only. Nimble beat out 50 other pups to take the top spot!

An Unexpected Return

We always love hearing stories about dogs being reunited with their humans. One ‘tail’ out of West Palm Beach, Fla., got the puparazzi pretty riled up last month. Athena, a German Shephard/Husky mix, slipped away from home back on December 15th. Her disappearance was quite unusual: the family was at church when a neighbor sent them a photo of Athena, who had been secured in her crate, outdoors. Even more bizarre: Athena’s collar was left in her crate. 

While we may never know exactly what happened, we do know what happened next: the worried humans launched a search among their community and placed several ads. This started what is perhaps best described as a championship-level match of hide-and-seek. Athena would pop up long enough for someone to snap a photo, then run off again. And then, in what may be one of our favorite holiday stories ever, Athena came home. In fact, she actually rang the doorbell! As soon as her astonished humans let her in, Athena grabbed her favorite toy and put herself to bed, as though nothing had ever happened.

We’re not saying Santa stepped in, but we’re not not saying that, either.

Perfectly Imperfect

All of our canine companions are unique individuals. Of course, some are a bit more unique than others. That certainly applies to Ariel. The pooch was born with six legs, two vulvas, and only one kidney. Sadly, Ariel was found abandoned outside a store when she was not even two months old. After an operation to amputate two of the extra legs, Ariel was adopted and is now living her best life. Like her namesake, the little Mermaid, Ariel loves the ocean, and is often found paddleboarding.

Eye Of The Beholder

We can’t help but giggle sometimes at the ongoing World’s Ugliest Dog competition, which happens in California every year. Last year’s winner,  an eight-year-old Pekinese named Wild Thang, won first place this year, after no less than four failed tries. Wild Thang’s most distinctive feature is likely the fact that his tongue is always sticking out. This is a parting gift from canine distemper, which the pooch had as a puppy. (Note: if your pooch hasn’t been vaccinated yet, reach out to your vet.) 

Justice Served

Every now and then, dogs feature prominently in some incredible stories. Fido has proved his loyalty over and over. Dogs have followed us to all the ends of the earth, gone to war with us, and risked—and sometimes sacrificed—their lives for us. One outstanding pooch really went above and beyond for her human, helping police find her murderer. The pooch, Titan, stayed beside the body of his owner, Mandy Rose Reynolds, barking. Reynold’s body had been burned beyond recognition, but the pooch’s microchip helped police identify her. The murderer was identified after an investigation, and was sentenced to life in prison.

Pug Life

While all dogs are cute, pugs are in a league of their own when it comes to charm. These adorable pooches can now claim a very important trophy. Vito, a pooch from North Carolina, took home the esteemed Best In Show award at the National Dog Show. The two-year-old pooch beat out a whopping 1940 other dogs for the grand prize.

Above And Beyond

An Oregon pup named Blue serves as a ‘pawesome’ reminder of how amazingly brave and loyal our canine pals are. The pup’s owner, Brandon Garrott, was driving through the Wallowa Mountains with his four dogs when he went off the road. His car fell 85 feet down a steep hill, eventually ending up in a ravine. Blue, a Whippet-Pit Bull mix, ran more than four miles to Garrett’s last campsite, where his brother was. Blue’s sudden appearance prompted Garrett to alert authorities and prompt a long search-and-rescue session. Garrett and the other three dogs were successfully rescued.

Say Cheese

If you spend any time on social media last year, you’ve probably heard Cheese Tax, a really cute song about Fido begging for treats. The ditty went viral, garnering 10 million views on TikTok. It’s been followed up with a full album, which is now out on Spotify.

New Kid In Town

As you probably know, the American Kennel Club is the U.S.’ premier dog club. There are currently over 200 pups in their ranks, just sitting around and looking adorable. The newest member is the lovable, hardworking Lancashire Heeler, who was admitted on January 1, 2024. Part of the Herding Group, the pooch is known for his unique smile. 

It’s All In The Nose

We all know that dogs have very, very astute senses of smell. Last year, researchers from the University of Bristol found that Fido both picks up on and is affected by the scents that humans give off when stressed. The study was published in Scientific Reports.

Small Steps Forward

We’re always interested in and advocating for any bills and legislation that promote good animal welfare. It’s probably safe to say that many of you also share those sentiments. Keep an eye on Missouri and Texas. Both states have pending legislation targeting puppy mills. As you may know, puppy mills play a huge role in many of the animal welfare issues our society faces today. They not only are contributing to overpopulation, but they are in general notorious for their mistreatment of dogs.

What’s In A Name?

It’s always fun seeing what people choose to name their pets. We also like to take a look at the various name trends. Charlie was the top name for male dogs last year. Other monikers that made the top ten were Max, Milo, Cooper, Buddy, Teddy, Rocky, Bear, Leo and Duke. Luna was the most popular female dog name, followed by Bella, Daisy, Lucy, Lily, Lola, Zoe, Sadie, Coco and Bailey.

Year Of The Dog

While most of our entries on this blog have been looking backward, we’re turning our gaze to the future for this last one. 2025 is the Year of The Dog in the Chinese calendar. The Chinese zodiac runs on a 12-year cycle, rather than a monthly one. Some other dog years include 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, and 1946. Those born under the sign are believed to be loyal and faithful, just like Fido.

Make An Appointment At Our Animal Hospital 

Do you need to make an appointment for your canine companion? Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care. As your local animal clinic, we are here to help! 

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