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Your Kitten’s Veterinary Care Needs

February 7 2022

Have you recently adopted a kitten? Congratulations! We probably don’t have to tell you that you’re in for some very adorable moments over the next several months. This stage of your feline pal’s life isn’t all about purrs and cuddles, though. You’ll want to get little Fluffy started out on the right paw in life. One of the most important things on your agenda will be taking your fuzzy buddy to meet her new doctor. A Syracuse, UT vet offers some tips on little Fluffy’s veterinary care needs in this article.


One of the first things you’ll want to do is get your little buddy a thorough, nose-to-tail exam. This gives your vet the chance to thoroughly assess your furball’s health, and create a basic ‘blueprint’ file for her. It’s important to have that baseline, so that any changes can be closely monitored.

Preventative Care

It’s much easier to protect your pet from dangerous viruses and parasites than it is to treat her for them. Making sure that little Fluffy is current on her vaccines and parasite control is crucial.

Spay/Neuter Surgery

We can’t recommend spay/neuter surgery enough. This is crucial for good animal welfare, as it’s the best way to curb overpopulation. Fluffy will also be calmer, better behaved, and healthier. Ask your vet for more information. 


Kitties really are better off as indoor pets, so we always advise keeping them in. However, it’s always best to err on the side of caution, and get your furry pal microchipped. 

Purr Checks

This one is optional, but it’s something we like to do just in the name of being thorough. It’s important for little Fluffy to get petted and cuddled by her doctor, so they can determine whether your furball’s motor is working properly.


In addition to the things we’ve listed above, you’ll also need to bring little Fluffy in if you notice any signs of sickness. These can come on suddenly, so keep a close eye out! Some red flags to watch for include vomiting, diarrhea, hiding, respiratory issues, trembling, lethargy, fever, and discharge from the eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. Kittens can get very sick very fast, so if you notice anything that seems off, don’t wait to act.

Do you need to schedule an appointment for your furry pal? Contact us, your Syracuse, UT veterinary clinic, today!

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